AMI Model "J" Series 1959

The "J" Series was available in 100, 120 and 200 Selection models, either Manual (centered selector dial) or Electronic (buttons) selection and Mono or Stereophonic. The Mono had an "AMI" logo on the grille instead of "Stereophonic" for the stereo version.

JAJ-200 1959 J-200 (Electrical-Mono)
JBJ-120 1959 J-120 (Electrical-Mono)
JCJ-100 1959 J-100 (Manual-Mono)
JDJ-200 1959 J-200 (Manual-Mono)
JEJ-200 1959 J-200 (Electrical-Stereo)
JFJ-120 1959 J-120 (Electrical-Stereo)
JGJ-100 1959 J-100 (Manual-Stereo)
JHJ-200 1959 J-200 (Manual-Stereo)

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