Other Jukebox Manufacturers Serial #'s & Estimated Production

This site cover's the production of the lessor known and collected Jukeboxes and accessories. Generally these machines are not covered in mainstream jukebox books or publications due the limited time or volume of production ... this is not to say they are not collectible. Very limited serial number information is available, so making accurate estimates of production is difficult, however, when a production estimate is shown, I have some confidence that it is close, "?" next to a number indicates more than a little doubt and plain "?" indicates either too little data or a serial number pattern that I cannot decipher.

About Serial Numbering

Unlike the Serial Number and Production Estimate pages for the big four, this page will cover many manufacturers, with only a few models each. As such, each may have a separate system for serial numbering. I have just recently managed to break the "code" on "Capehart" ... why it took so long I don't know as it is now totally obvious. For you interest, on the Capehart 28 F and G Orchestrope, only the first 4 digets are relevant, the next 3 to 4 represent the month/year of production. (e.g. 1230 means Dec '30, 529 means May '29). When looking at the serial numbers, many times they are obvious, but the question arises when you have mutiple models and the data points are mixed ... in the case of Gabel and Mills, I have chosen for now to combine some models, until I determine if there were separate subranges unique to each model, or in fact they were intermixed. At this point, I am not going to attempt to predict the total production for each manufacturer as too little data is available ... perhaps soon with some more information.

Getting Around

For convienence, you can just click on the manufacturer below and will go directly to their models, or you can page down through the four grouped tables. All manufacturers are presented in alphabetical order.

Aireon - 4 Jukebox Models, 1 Speaker Chicago Coin - Bandboxes and Hit Parade Mills - 14 Jukebox Models
Buckley - Wallbox Evans - 5 Jukebox Models Packard - 2 Jukebox Models, 1 Wallbox, 1 Spkr
Cameron - Modular Jukebox Filben - The Maestro Ristaucrat - 3 Jukebox Models
Capehart - 6 Jukebox Models Gabel - 9 Jukebox Models Sonata - Mexican 1050 Jukebox Model
Holcomb and Hoke -2 Models of Electramuse Scopitone - Film Jukebox
Chantel - The Meteor Jupiter - 3 Jukebox Models United - 4 Jukebox Models, 1 Wallbox, 1 Speaker
 Centuri - 1 Jukebox  Keeney - Wallbox  Williams - Music Mite

  Serial Number Range  
Model Name Year # of Sel Minimum Maximum Known Prod Est. Prod # of Pts
1200-A Super Deluxe “Airliner” 1946-7 24 1085-A 10088-A 9004 10000 29
1207-A Fiesta 1947-48 24 52187 54192 2006 2200 12
1209-A Cornet 400 1948 24 400-23 400-1947 1925 1950 10
500 Cornet 500 1949 24 500-2238 500-2427 190 60 4
1760 Imprasario Speaker 1946 24 2730A 2736A 7 ? 2
N/A Wallboxes 1939-51 24 6131 89974 83844 84000 28
N/A Cameron 1968 220 1449 1449 ? 1500? 1
100-18-H Orchestrope 1934 10 10073 815706 ? ? 5
AIW Orchestrope ? 10 5366A ? ? ? 1
28F Orchestrope ? 10 1076928F 3392529F 2316 2400 3
28G/GB Orchestrope ? 10 4377729G 6752130GB 2376 2500 5
M1W Orchestrope 1935 10 7816M 9092M 1277 1300 4
CA10-20 Orchestrope 1937-8 20 1977T 1977T ? 2000? 1


 2001 110/170/210 Select Jukebox  1981-3 110-210  145





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  Serial Number Range  
Model Name Year # of Sel Minimum Maximum Known Prod Est. Prod # of Pts
NA Meteor 1954-61 200 2254 2254 ? 2375? 1
Chicago Coin
50-100 Band Box 1950 0 1403 2883 1481 1500 4
52-100 Band Box 1952 0 5678 ? ? ? 1
N/A Hit Parade 1951 0 4966 5517 552 600? 3
135 Constellation 1949-50 40 4745 7549 2805 ? 5
245 Jubilee 1952-54 40 9781 12314 ? ? 3
278 Jubilee 1952-54 40 10175 ? ? ? 1
2045 Century 1953 100 1069 1335 267 350 3
4045 Holiday 1953 100 15123 ? ? ? 1
FP300 Maestro 1948 30 3006 4073 1068 1100 32
N/A Gables Jr: Standard /Modern/Streamline 1934-5 12 J1178 JS3675 2498 2600 10
N/A Aristocrat 1936 24 E10734 ? ? ? 1
N/A Charm/ Starlight
/ Rainbow
1936 18 JX4111 JX5090 980 1100 9
N/A Kuro 1940 24 K5420 K5621 202 250 4

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  Serial Number Range  
Model Name Year # of Sel Minimum Maximum Known Prod Est. Prod # of Pts
Holcomb & Hoke
N/A Electramuse Concert Grand 1929 10 5 98 94  100+ 2
N/A Electramuse   10 Z1393 4309 2917 3000 3
160L Astral 70-73 ? 160 82497 82661   165 2
J-80 n/a 70-73 ? 80 80H61393 ?   ? 1
E-100 n/a 70-73 ? 100 71-501 ?   ? 1
N/A 12-24 Sel Wallbox   12-24 B13517 B19995 6479 7000 2
801 Hi-Boy 1929 12 12 439 428 500 2
Various Troubadour 1930-33 12 2374 7240 4867 5300 4
879 Dancemaster 1933-34 12 8532 9989 1458 1500 2
881 Std Dancemaster 1935 12 12987 ? ? 1000? 1
886 Dlx Dancemaster 1935 12 13150 14565 1416 1416 3
  Do-Re-Me/Swing King/ Zephyr / Studio 1936-38 12 14689 31687 16999 17500 12
? Throne of Music 1939-40 20 32978 38494 5517 6700 23
904 Empress 1940-41 20 39675 48081 8407 9200 9
? Panoram 1940-42 20 31 5752 5722 5800 8
951 Constellation 1947-48 20 185 7385 7201 7400 19

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  Serial Number Range  
Model Name Year # of Sel Minimum Maximum Known Prod Est. Prod # of Pts
N/A PlaMor Model 7 1946 24 1566 3821FVA 2256 2800 9
N/A Manhattan 1947 24 M4004 M6196 2193 2200 7
Butler 24 Sel Wallbox 1940-49 24 44117 154011 109895 155000? 7
500 Rectangular Spkr 1940-2? N/A 9867 23981 ? ? 2
N/A Non-Selective 1950 12 1099 3435 2337 2400 4
S-45 Selective 1951-2 12 50408 52898 2491 2500 10
  Melody Vendor 1964 30 165196 ? ? ? 1
1050 Mexican 1050 1975?- 100 80071 88872 8802 8900 38
ST-36 Movie 1963 16mm 3381 3815 435 850? 2
UPA-100 Jukebox 1957-58 100 118 779 662 800 5
UPB-100 Jukebox 1959 100 10055 11452 1398 1500 13
UPC-100 Jukebox 1960 100 10061 11331 1271 1350 10
30005 30104 100 125 5
  1371 1475 15
UPD-100 Jukebox 1961-63 100 10544 10608 63 625 3
UWS-3 Compact Wallspeaker 1959   68 68 1 100 1
UWB-1 Compact WB 1959 100 1006 1606 599 625 6
N/A Music Mite 1951-2 10 293 1385 1093 1425 5

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The inComplete Jukebox

Developed and Maintained by Tom DeCillis
Last Updated June-26-2002
Have found that all Questions, if not answered by the Q&A. are answered somewhere on this site